The Road to Fitness

With all the responsibilities of being an adult today, it’s easy to agree that our lifestyles are busy, and there are plenty of things we can find to do with our time. From traveling back and forth to work each day, working 8 to 10 hours, finding time to spend with your family, completing household tasks, preparing meals, and trying to find time to unwind, it can be challenging to find time in the day to be physically active. Whew. It’s just a lot to even think about. Who decided that we needed to work 40 hours, 5 days a week anyway? LOL. Nonetheless, the fact that life can be stressful, hectic, and fast-paced is even more reason why we need to focus on our health. I mean, how can we expect to continue engaging in all the things we do that we think are soooooo important if we are sick, hospitalized, or even no longer in existence?

In case you needed to hear this, having a structured fitness routine that enhances functional movements and that maintains or increases fitness is imperative to sustaining optimal health. There is major research to support the fact that physical activity does enhance your quality of life by decreasing your risk for adverse health outcomes (i.e. preventable diseases), allowing you to maintain muscle mass and flexibility to complete activities of daily living, boosting your mental health, strengthening your heart health, and providing many more benefits. It’s worth mentioning that people with physically demanding jobs may not see the benefit in additional physical activity and may be less inclined to participate in physical activity because they are tired. While it is true that people with physically demanding jobs are more active than those with desk jobs, this is not a reason to exclude a well-rounded and structured physical fitness program into your lifestyle. Why you ask? Well, because physically demanding jobs can be extremely stressful on the joints and can cause a breakdown in the kinetic change and/or postural imbalances. In other words, everyone can benefit from a consistent exercise plan that includes cardiorespiratory, strength, and flexibility training.

So how does one find time to incorporate a structured fitness plan into their busy lifestyle? Well, when there is a will, there is a way. Here are a few tips to help you get on the road to fitness.

1. Change your attitude.

Don’t view exercise or physical activity as a burden. Find something you enjoy doing that will help you burn calories and use your muscles and joints in a way that increases your functional movements. Stop believing that physical activity is the least most important thing you have to do, because in fact, it is the most important. It’s usually not until someone receives an adverse diagnosis that they try to get serious about their health, and by then it could be too late. Be proactive while you can. And don’t believe that if you are “out of shape” that there is no reason to get in shape. It’s never too late to get started and take control over your health.

2. Always be prepared.

Create a fitness bag that includes your workout clothes and any other essential items you need and keep this bag with you at all times. You can keep this bag in your vehicle or carry it with you if you commute by bus or bike. There is nothing worse than when you are pumped about your upcoming workout and realize that you don’t have a change of clothes or the proper shoes. Usually by the time you are redirected to get these items, time has been wasted and your motivation is lost. (Been there, done that.)

3. Automate your road to fitness.

Set your alarm clock to wake you up early to work out, and whatever you do, DO NOT HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON. You can also set a bedtime alarm to remind you to go to bed at a decent time because rest is essential to fitness. Add your workout to your calendar if this is how you stay organized throughout the day. This serves as your reminder that you need to engage in physical activity, and it allows you to find the time to fit your session somewhere into your day. Take the route that allows you to drive by the gym or whatever you plan to workout, and since you have your fitness gear already with you, there is nothing stopping you except your willingness to get the work done.  

4. Find a workout partner to help you stay accountable.

It can be easier to commit to a workout program when you have someone to enjoy the activity with, and someone to keep you accountable if you try to skip a workout. Don’t be afraid to share you plans to start or increase your level of physical fitness with family, friends, and co-workers. Having a conversation about fitness is a good way to find other people that also want to embark on this journey, and you may receive an offer to have a workout partner without then need to ask. However, if no one has offered to workout with you, don’t be afraid to ask. If your potential workout partner is hesitant to move into the action phase of being fit, feel free to share this blog with them.

5. Obtain a support group.

Regardless if you have a workout partner or have to workout alone, having the support of those around you is critical to your success. Your immediate family and friends need to understand that you have decided to take your health serious and that you are committed to being active and living a healthier lifestyle. You need their support because without it, you can find yourself in situations that will disrupt your efforts. For example, if your spouse/mate prepares the meals in your home while you are at the gym, you don’t want to go home to find out the night’s dinner is fast food or a high caloric meal when you are trying to obtain optimal health. It would be great if everyone in your household decided to engage in being healthier together, but if that doesn’t happen, they still need to support your efforts. There have been plenty of times when my family ate pizza for dinner, and I had a salad or veggie burger. My healthy eating habits rubbed off on them and while they don’t make the best choices every day, they strive to eat better on most days because of what they see me do. They also don’t try to tempt me with food I am trying to avoid, and they don’t interfere with my plans to go the gym anymore. This wasn’t always the case though. It took time for them to fully support me because they wanted me at home when I wanted to be at the gym and they believe in comfort foods and quick meals, which I no longer eat very frequently. Bottom line, if you let your family and friends know you are serious about being on the road to fitness, they will eventually begin to support you.

6.Hire a personal trainer. (Yes, I said it. You can hire me. LOL.)

A personal trainer can be beneficial on your road to fitness for several reasons. To name a few, a personal trainer can help you create a fitness program that allows you to maximize your workouts in less time. Depending on your fitness goals, a personal trainer can show you what types of activities or exercises work best to support your goals, and how to get the most out of your exercises during the shortest amount of time. A personal trainer can also help you find the motivation you need to adhere to your program and hold you accountable if you don’t. Furthermore, if you invest in a personal trainer, you are more likely to commit to your fitness plan, because who wants to waste money by paying for something they don’t use?

7.Create a rewards system.

Are you motivated by rewards? If so, create a system that allows you to reward yourself for committing to your workouts. For example, you could set a goal to workout a specific number of minutes each day or a specific number of days per week. If you achieve these goals, allow yourself to be extrinsically rewarded. You could purchase a new outfit for the gym, buy an item you have been contemplating on purchasing, or reward yourself however you deem fit. If you have been sticking to your healthy eating habits, you do have the option of rewarding yourself with food but be careful not to wreck all your efforts. One cheat meal or cheat day can set you back for the week, and you don’t want to be on the hamster wheel with your fitness goals. Use your rewards system to your advantage to keep you on the road to fitness, and eventually your extrinsic motivation with become intrinsic motivation and you will see that being physically fit is a reward in itself.

So how do you find time to incorporate physical activity into your day? Comment and let me know what keeps you on the road to fitness. 


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